Saturday, October 30, 2010

“When you know what the right thing is than not doing it is cowardice.” - Confucius

A very simple and straight statement but when I thought over it I got confused. Let’s analyse this statement. My first doubt is first of all why should we judge every person to be brave or coward. As far as my little understanding goes and people would agree that loving someone, caring about someone can make you coward in literal sense. But, as we know both things are done by brave people only.

Second and more serious question is how do we define what is right and what is not. We can safely assume that most of us are social people and have to interact with each other how could we be sure that what is right for me is right for others also. Wouldn’t it lead to a kind of anarchy in each house and social circle that because” I know this is right thing to do hence it must be done. I don’t give a damn what others think about it. I am a brave person, I’ll do it.”

Don’t know in what circumstances the great man used this line but even five month after coming across this line I am still confused about it.

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